Indexing enabled will be based on the crawl of the Google mobile robot, which is identified by the User Agent in the form: Mozilla . (Linux; Android Nexus X BuildMMB P) AppleWebKit . (KL, like Gecko) Chrome Mobile Safari . (compatible; Googlebot bot.l) What should be kept in mind when switching to Mobile First Indexing so as not to lose visibility in Google's organic search results? The first step is to follow the best practices in Google's Mobile First Indexing guide.
Below is a table from the aforementioned guide: As you Mexico WhatsApp Number List can see from it, in fact, the least amount of work and changes on the website in terms of SEO will be had by website owners where the mobile version of the website is available at the same URL and serves the same content to mobile and desktop users. Responsive Web Design The most optimal solution is to use RWD (Responsive Web Design). In such a situation, the subpages of the website are available at the same URL address on all devices, and the displayed content should also be exactly the same.
Different URLs for mobile and desktop versions Where URLs and content of subpages change based on the user's device. e.g: changes to s: m. or to m or Where the page dynamically displays different versions of the l code based on the user's device. remember to: Both versions displayed the same content, this applies to text content, images and video. If you use structured data tags, remember that they should also be available for the mobile version. Meta tags (i.e. subpage titles, meta description tag) should be the same on both versions of the page Remember about the headings (h -h ) on both versions of the page.