Deciding when to sell your business is Ws Numbers List not a straightforward process. A business owner might say, "When I am 65, I will retire Ws Numbers List and sell the business. Sadly, there are many business owners that never make it Ws Numbers List to 65 and have to sell their company long before they or their business are ready. Age-Based Selling Basing your decision on selling.
When you are a certain age can Ws Numbers List drastically affects the price that you get for the business? Consider this scenario. A small business owner Ws Numbers List decided she wanted to sell after 30 years of working on her business. Sadly, at 25 years, she had health issues and struggled to.
Work in her business for the next 5 years. Slowly the revenues declined as she physically could not lead the business and her desire to run the Ws Numbers List business waned. Sadly, at the 30 year mark, her business had a very little value and ended up just closing the business after 30 years. Had she planned for her exit, she would have seen the signs and decided to