If you've noted that a fax to a certain Ghana Phone Number List group, or about a certain issue seems to pull well, flag them for faxing as a matter of routine - save the postage and printing. If you've noticed that a certain type of offer works best only when mailed, create a whole Ghana Phone Number List series of mailers on that topic and mail it away. The trick is to reach people in a way that works for THEM. TODO: Gather up the registration cards, order blanks, response coupons, and other ordering devices you routinely use throughout the years to prompt and record an order.
Lay them out and review each, and see if Ghana Phone Number List there's room for a simple multiple-choice question: "How would you like to receive information about this (organization, product, activity, issue)? Mail, Fax, E-mail, Phone, text Ghana Phone Number List message, other." Armed with this information on your members and prospects, your response rate for all of them is bound to rise if you just use it. 9) Cross-Promote Whenever Possible - Strength in Numbers When does 1+1+1 = 5? When each Ghana Phone Number List of those "1"s cross-promotes to the others. Chances are your organization has several different departments.
Each promoting their Ghana Phone Number List product, program, event or benefit. Chances are also good that several of those outgoing promotions are going to the same individual, either member or prospect. If your database is so equipped, from number 2, and all the departments share that database, then you can flag them as multiples, and at least bundle them into a common Ghana Phone Number List envelope and save on materials and postage. If it happens a lot, you'll save a bit of money, but eventually, everyone will get everything going out in one envelope, and your targeting goes out the window. Cross-promotion is the answer.